Is Gaylene Vivian another LIAR at BCC?
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It is becoming apparent that the CULTURE
at Brisbane City Council [BCC] is one of LYING and
CHEATING. The name of Gaylene
Vivian first appeared on the SHAMEFUL email sent by that PANICKING GARTH STEVEN DONNELLY
viz: [she'll be really happy
with our Garth. Gaylene's emails were in Garth's little stach of
emails about me which had not been released to me by FOI but should
LITTLE EMAIL CIRCLE/LOOP, and all FIVE copies should have been produced
to me be FOI. NONE WAS. I think it would be a fair bet that when
the FOI officer calls for emails, the BCC parasites just go through
their emails and "delete" those they would prefer were not released. It
is possible to interrogate the server for all "deleted" emails. Given the history of this matter
of the BCC cheating me, the SERVER
Gaylene was in the Urban Transport department of BCC. The BCC
agreed to build a fence on the two street boundary of my home as the
BCC had sited a bus stop right alongside my home. The Queensland
Police and The University
of Queensland [UQ] BOTH, have repudiated
their responsibilities owed to the community. The
Bus Stop is used predominately by UQ students. At night,
they booze up at the bus stop before going out to nightclubs in town.
only problem they found they had was my complaints so the POLICE
ATTACKED ME. That is easy for them to do when I have my deformed features
and look freak-ugly.]
Prior to the new 1.8 metre fence, I had a 60cm timber fence on which
they would sit. That was breaking the fence and often I found
them skylarking on the broken fence because they could make it
"spring", "Oh, <giggle>, <giggle>, <giggle>"
(??) Additionally, I had, and still do have, beer bottles thrown
and broken in my yard and other rubbish thrown over my
fence. My initail complaints to the local BCC elected
councillor Judy Magub [I 'll tell you about her on this site soon.],
received a reply that she would have the BCC rubbish contractor empty
the two small bins at the bus stop, once more each week, so rubbish
would not "overflow". would you be surprised to hear that that
did nothing to reduce the problems I was facing. I have watched
as one moron walked past an empty bin from near the kerb across to my
fence to throw the bottle ove my fence, as though it was the "cool
thing to do".
Anyway, I digress, [that should not happen with .html], back to
Gaylene. In her email immdiately below, SHE ADMITS
"I unfortunately took the call. He wanted to speak to everyone's
supervisor - David, Mark, Ken, Michael, etc etc. OBVIOUSLY
I ask, "Why so OBVIOUSLY?"
Did she mean: "Of course, I told him that no-one was available."
Maybe, it was a matter that they all knew that EVERYONE IN BCC
was absent at a SUPERVISORS' conference, then it would be OBVIOUS [to
those who knew that] that no-one would be "available"..
Maybe she will be able to explain herself. Let's assume
that there were SIX people, maybe there were more. Let's
calculate some statistical probabilities. [I am a mathematician
with one of my majors in Stats.] Was it just a freak event that no-one
was available? What would be the probability that it was
just chance alone, that "no-one was available"? If there were only six
for whom I asked, and if we say the chances that, at any point in time,
a person is not available [it was then about 11:37am], is say one in
four [ie they are not available for one quarter of the time - or
is that working the public sector parasites too hard?], then the
probability that all six were absent by chance alone is less than one
chance in 4000. All statistical tests of probability will
hold that that is way too low to have occurred by chance
alone. That means there is something else at play here. So
they were all absent for the same reason, [well not all independent
events anyway], or it was a lie. I will await her explanation
with expectation. She will have had plenty of time to devise an
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