Garth Steven
Donnelly, - I want to see him in jail.
cheater, nominally employed
by BCC. Should he be in jail for
PERJURY? You decide. [go
to HAIG REPORT home frames]
If you become angry at what these parasites at BCC have been doing,
here are some email addresses for these parasites. Write to
them all if you like. Even make a distribution list on your
machine so you can more readily send heaps more in the future.
Have a look at DONNELLY'S description of me [my deformed skull, top
left of this page, is not my fault] that he published to many at
Brisbane City Council BCC].
We can have a look
later at some of the "work" of the David Bell and the Gaylene Vivian to
whom Garth Donnelly sent this. Are you
surprised that all of them destroyed these emails or just failed in
their legal obligation to produce them for my FOI?
It is most interesting how I came by this email about me. I
should have had it by FOI. [The "I wonder if anyone will answer"
refers to my request to them to fix the fence they agreed to build as
stated in the stat dec by Donnelly, but it was in year 2000 not
1997 as stated by him.] I will explain below what Donnelly [and
Hughie McVean] did.
Since then I have many instances where Donnelly has been lying, usually
at my expense. I believe my best likelihood of HAVING DONNELLY
JAILED is to concentrate on this Stat Dec that he was panicking
about signing but still did sign it under pressure. It was his CHOICE TO
TELL LIES. His comment, "Remember, ... the
first day I met (sic) him .. .." shows he had set out from day
one to cheat me, and was bagging me from day one. I will
continue to TARGET HIS STAT
DEC until he is in JAIL. If he was panicking then, I
wonder how he will be feeling as he reads this and his work "mates",
including Gaylene Vivian
[who has been dumped in it by Donnelly's actions] discuss it with
him. Poor Garth!!!! Gutless people start to implicate
others. Garth might even start saying "Hughie made me
do it", so I wonder how Hughie will
now be feeling, or his solicitors
who I believe knew what Hughie was doing - probably because he told
them what he wanted to do, ie cheat me, and asked for advice - will now
be feeling. Those solicitors could be becoming very worried at
what they think Hughie may do. They could be worried depsite what
Hughie may say, because they would not know what sort of pressure Coral
might be putting on Hughie, as Hughie has dumped Coral into the
quagmire too by having her sign fraudulent documents which he has now
submitted to court. {"What a tangled
web ....."}
Hughie has lost a lot of money for Coral and himself and
ME. Solicitors cannot assist a client do illegal
acts. [A client may think it is not illegal and just smart but
the solicitor knows it is illegal and should advise against it, rather
than assist the client.] Such is FRAUD and ALL client privilege
is lost on such communications
One day Donnelly just happens to send his stach of emails about me, to
the FOI officer at BCC to
tell him he had just found them, oh yeh. After an FOI application
has been Internally Reviewed, I can apply to the Information
Comissioner {IC] to have it Externally Reviewed. I regularily do
this as the BCC staff have shown themselves to be cheaters and
CRIMINALS. Anyway, I made much to the IC, of this tardy
provision of these documents. Hence the IC became involved.
Have a look at what the poor, poor Garth Donnelly wrote, [and so it was
provided to me by FOI]
. Paul Wesener [not
Wesner; Donnelly cannot not even spell his collegue's name] is the FOI
"officer" at BCC. May I repeat what he wrote, [HE sounds so
pathetic], "...this does not make me happy, understand I
will not be
pressured into signing something that I have strong principals (sic -
whom, do they tell him what to do) and views."
I copy the pages of the Stat Dec below. I reckon it is a load of
cobblers, and I reckon I know
what happened and the reason that he
produced them rather then just destroy them.
Anne Lindon was an employee of the Information Commissioner [IC].
Donnelly had been sitting on her email to him to sign it for eight
days. Poor parasite must have been stewing. This still has
a long way to go. I reckon we
will be able to have it [the stat
dec he signed as below - note the date of signing] proven to be
He signed the Stat Dec FOUR days
later. He must have been stewing all that time too. You can
imagine how our Hughie McVean, [his ridicule Russell Mathews mate] must
have thought that something had changed as Donnelly must have been very
short with Hughie when Hughie phoned on the 25 November, 2004, just two
days after
Donnelly's having been hauled over the coals and stewing for well
over one month from 10 October, to 23 November, 2004. Have a look.
I have obtained
copies of emails by FOI where the Gaylene Vivian
As well, that David Bell cannot be too relaxed about his
involovement in the cheating of me. You can see
in Donnelly's email of July 31, 2001 to David Bell and
Gaylene Vivian that Donnelly reckoned they should treat me
Now for the gap under the fence that Garth Donnelly told the fence
builder John Simson, to leave there. Simson told me just
before he finished building the fence, that, "I'm only a sub-contractor, I
have to do as I am told." I
got on well with him and his two offsiders.I think they thought I had achieved quite a
coup managing to cause the BCC to build and paint a 6 foot high fence
with a lock up gate on the two street frontages of my property.
[If any one knows the whereabouts of John Simson or either of his two
offsiders, PLEASE CONTACT ME.] John Simson then went over to the
fence and pointed to the gap under
the front, upper part of the fence as shown in the photo
[taken later, after David Bell of BCC had arranged for the BCC to build
a strip of concrete 40 cm out from the fence - rather then fix my
fence, no doubt because Donnelly, after talking to Hughie decided to
cheat me - to stop the footpath
falling away, but definitely not fix my fence as they should have when
it was built - the next photo], because the fence had not been
built properly. I had written to them meekly requesting someone
from the BCC coming to inspect the fence, and apologising for bothering
them. Donnelly's email first appearing on this page,
was the result, and no reply to me. You can see the ground
was never to the height of the bottom of the fence and you can see how
the last few pickets were stepped to ensure there was this hugh gap
under the fence, just to cheat me.